CAS 100
I delivered a persuasive speech on Going Green to help save our planet from global warming's negative effects.

Persuasive Speech Outline


1. Attention-Getter:

Is anyone concerned with what our world will be like in years to come? With the effects global warming is causing to the environment, it’s hard to say that our planet Earth will be the way it is today.


2. Bond: Link-to Audience:

Because we are concerned with our environment and the effects global warming is having on our environment, we should all be inclined to do what we can to help improve the future of our planet Earth.


3. "Credentials" of Speaker (Credibility):

Through extensive research, I have learned what is in store for our environment along with simple things we are able to do to help our environment and our environment’s future.


4. Destination / Objective Sentence:

Today I am going to convince you can help to save our environment.


5. Explain your Map to your Destination: Speech Preview:

Today I am going to speak to you about: 1.) the important role we play in decreasing and reversing some of the negative effects of global warming, 2.) what we can do around the home to help save our environment and 3.) what we can do outside of the home to help save our environment.

Transition:To begin, I would like to fill you in on the important role we play in decreasing and reversing some negative effects global warming has caused.


B. BODY of your Speech 

1. Main Point #1: Important role human beings play in reducing global warming’s negative effects

·         By making choices that help the reduction of greenhouse gas output into the air, global warming can be reduced or even reversed. (LaRowe)

·         The emission of greenhouse gases causes the Greenhouse Effect, which plays a detrimental role in the process of global warming. (LaRowe)

·         I will discuss what can be done to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases with you shortly.

·         If we make the decision to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases put out into our air, we are able to reduce global warming. (LaRowe)

Transition:Many people believe that in order to help save our environment, drastic adjustments in our daily lives need to be done, however, that is a common misconception. To prove this to you, I am going to tell you what can be done around the home in order to reduce the negative effects of global warming.



2. Main Point #2: What can be done around the home to reduce global warming’s negative effects

·         There are many simple things that can be done around the home to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

·         By simply reducing the electricity usage around the home and conserving energy, we are able to reduce the production of greenhouse gases. (Seamon)

·         1.) Switch to more energy efficient lighting (Instead of using incandescent light bulbs, switch to compact fluorescent bulbs, which last longer and use only a quarter of the energy that incandescent bulbs). (Seamon)

2.) Turn off the lights when you leave a room for more than 30 seconds. (LA Daddy)

3.) When shopping for a new appliance, buy a more energy efficient one. (Seamon) There are plenty of new appliances out in the market today in order to conserve energy and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These appliances will also cost you less money to run them which is always a plus!

4.) Reduce the amount of energy used for heating and cooling the home. (Seamon) The easiest way to do this is to either put the temperature that your AC kicks on up a few degrees or a few degrees down on your heater. (LA Daddy)

5.) Turn the water off when brushing your teeth. (LA Daddy)

6.) Use rechargeable batteries which will reduce the emissions given off when old batteries are thrown away and left to decompose. (LA Daddy)

7.) Keep your fridge and freezer closed as much as possible. (LA Daddy) Having these open uses a great amount of energy.

8.) Dryers also use up a lot of energy, so if possible, hang your clothes on a line to dry and save energy as well as money. (LA Daddy)

9.) Unplug appliances and electronics when they are not in use, being plugged in, they are still sucking up energy. (LA Daddy)

·         These are some of the simple things that can be done around the home to help reduce the emission of energy and greenhouse gases.


Transition:Now that we know what can be done around the home, let’s take a look at what can be done outside of the home.

3. Main Point #3: What can be done outside of the home to reduce global warming’s negative effects

·         Just like there are many simple things that can be done around the home to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, there are also simple things that can be done outside of the home to reduce greenhouse gases output.

·         By improving our vehicles fuel efficiency, we can greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling also plays an important role in helping the environment.

·         1.) Practice fuel efficient driving. By having your car inspected and practicing vehicle maintenance regularly you can boost your car’s overall fuel efficiency by 30%. (Seamon) Also by doing the speed limit and not speeding you are emitting less greenhouse gas emissions by conserving gas.

2.) If shopping for a new car, look for a more fuel efficient car. (Seamon)

3.) When having your car serviced, ask to have the air conditioner coolant recycled, which saves thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide from being emitted into Earth’s atmosphere. (Seamon)

4.) If possible, carpool, take the bus, ride a bike, or even walk. This saves tons of energy by not having as many vehicles on the road. (Seamon)

5.) Don’t overfill your gas tank. The extra gas evaporates into the air and increases global warming. (LA Daddy)

6.) Recycle! Recycling saves energy that would be produced when having to make new products. (Seamon)

·         These are simple things that can be done outside of the home to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.


Transition:Reflect on what you have just heard. Saving our planet Earth may not be as hard as some people may think.



1. Restate thesis, argument or proposition:

Today I have talked to you about the need to save our environment.


2. Restate main points or specific line of arguments:

 I have talked to you about the important role each of us play in the reduction and reverse of global warming’s negative effects and what can be done in and out of the home.


3. Call-to-Action:

I am asking you to take part in saving our environment with these simple readjustments of our lives. All of what can be done to reduce the negative effects global warming is causing on our environment are simple and do not require much effort at all. It will only benefit our futures. We have to act now!


4. Decision-Maker (optional):

Those of you who care about our planet’s future will act now and help to reduce the negative effects global warming has imposed on the environment.


“Making energy conservation a part of our daily awareness is essential to the goal of reducing global warming.” – Gerald Meehl





LA Daddy. Going Green: A Few Tips to Help Save Our Planet. 19 July. 2007. Date Accessed: 14 September. 2009. <>.


LaRowe, Michelle. About the Negative Effects of Global Warming. Date Accessed: 14 September. 2009. <>.


Seamon, Greg. Global Warming/Climate Change: What Can We Do About It?. 3 March. 2009. Date Accessed: 14 September. 2009.

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